Recipe -> Macros -> Printed label. All in one app.
Do you make your own food? Love recipes? Now see the macros for the whole recipe with #labely's automatic calorie counter, just enter your ingredients and see a realtime chart of nutritional/ macro information. Find out how long it will take you to burn off those new calories. Not enough?!Print your nutrition labels from the app to your standard A4 desktop printer. No internet required......unless...unless your printer needs internet!
Share the recipes you make in this app with others.
Simple and useful, minimalist design.
No logins required. Simple - does what it says on the tin (and a little bit more).
Do you find nutritional labels on food packs confusing?... Ever wonder where they come from?... No?! Neither do we. Add to your confusion by making your own labels from this app! Print them out and put them on your own food. At least we answered the second question for you!
Includes a 'Caloie-burn-chart' to see how many calories you burn, or not and a guideline of what activity and for how long you need to do it to burn off that snack you just ate.
See exactly what you're eating, share your recipes with friends, and see how good those 'treats' actually are for you.
Find out calories in food and other macro/ nutritional data.
Print out your own macro values from the app onto your own FDA style labels to your own standard A4 printer.
Print logos, titles, nutrition values and ingredients list, or choose to print only one label.
Food menu labels, #Label-it !!!
Print out your FDA style labels and stick them to your menu so people can see what they are eating.
Fresh food, #Label-it !!!
If you make fresh food, now you can print your own supermarket style labels for you own food, from home, straight from your desktop A4 printer.
Bake a cake? #Label-it !!!
Print out the nutritional value for the whole cake, a slice or both. Custom divisions 'per 100g', per 50g', per 1/2 serving. Not enough?! Define your own names and own weights and print out the macro values for your own division.
Like sharing pictures of food? #Label-it !!!
Share the recipe and people can see for themselves how much is in each spoonful of that cake.
Like midnight snacking? Now you can see how much calories it carries, per bite!
Recipe corrections.
Share your recipes, edit and substitute ingredients and reshare them, see what the substitutions actually do.
Labely for lunch, your home made snack, a menu, diet meal.
Helps with dieting by allowing you to customise values of entire foods and see how much value is in each gram or plate-full.
Selling food at a local farmer's meet? Stick your own labels and add your own name and values.
*For educational purposes only.